glimpses of events
archive 2017

who am I ?
15-17 December 2017, seasons of silence, France winter solstice
living on Earth is modulated by the movements of stars, explore the playground, ground your life
in a vaster dimension, expand your vision and discover who I am, a new limitless consciousness
on 18 December à 6:30 am GMT, only a few days away from the winter solstice,
was the last new Moon of the year
an invitation to resacralize the yoni the individual and collective womb
a rite of passage in the tremendous archetypal powers of 5D consciousness
Ceres abundance
Haumea unity an cohesion of the whole, cycles of birth and rebirth
Sedna the re-unified feminine, the infinity of possibilities
Chiron the imprint of unity
jointly support the Moon, our embodied consciousness, in its regeneration

launching into orbit
2-3 décembre 2017, Vevey, Suisse
now is the time!
to acknowledge who you are and to fully manifest it, to take your position and offer what you have to give (although all parameters will have changed in six months). The necessary adjustments to navigate in the now
hold you light and shine
spreading the light
(perpetrate) offer little subversive luminous actions
around you
in your day to day life

the law of love
25-26 November 2017 in London, UK
the pulse of life is LOVE. On the surface of things, any disturbance in the connected field alters its rhythm and the global harmony. Yet at the core of things, the frequency of LOVE eternally maintains unity and oneness of the whole
love is the essence of our being and the blueprint of our eternal Self in a human shape
recurring patterns in our love relationships (lack, loss, absence, separation, void…) reflect our disconnection from Self and the love deprivation that ensues.
these issues resolve when we reconnect with our Self and begin to tap into the inexhaustible love resource within (NB : this is no magic, but a law of nature, the same attracts the same)
we will find our Self within, it takes a highly sensitive body attuned to the movements of our heart (our emotions), the thinking mind is kindly left aside
the way we do this is by feeling, feeling, feeling, allowing, allowing, allowing and surrendering, surrendering, surrendering

the highest frequency
10-12 November 2017 at seasons of silence, France
the only one to be comfortable!
it’s time to fully embody our human vehicle
anchored in oneself, aligned with the Self, immersed in the frequency of ONE, Self realisation is experienced in a human life
inner balancing
the body supports the heart the heart supports the body
increasing transparency of the body which reveals the splendour of Self

understanding water
1-5 November 2017 at Radhadesh, Belgium
water is omnipresent in me, on Earth and in the cosmos, what does my dryness mean or the one of the desert ? The states of water its movements, the mysterious imprint of the Self in its structure, preserved through all its mutations, what message does it convey for me ? Water supports all of Life and keeps the memory of the Whole : tasting it, penetrating it and discovering it, let yourself be penetrated by its essence
when I am centred and aligned, I am in harmony with the frequency of Self (my divine blueprint)
my mind is empty, my heart is open and I interact intuitively with my environment
thoughts and emotions distort my structure (molecular and global)
they appear when I am off centre and disconnected from Self
in the long run un-ease and disease result from the loss of my essential structure
balance is restored by recovering a harmonious structure, on this plane of existence or beyond

immersed in Oneness
14-15 October 2017, Losone, Switzerland
we are one, we are whole
we are interdependent on everyone ad everything
we re-unite what is divided, separate, dispersed
? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
?? ?
? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ?
in the space between the double wall which once divided Berlin in two parts, there were thousands of rabbits. They used to live in the minefield in which dreadful watchtowers were planted at regular intervals. In the brutality of the environment they moved around with their natural spontaneity, lightness and freedom : a striking contrast which gave joy to those catching sight of them
now as then, in the mist of the extreme tensions and violence we experience within ourselves and in the world at large, we can find stillness, confidence and joy, here and now. It takes courage to face reality as it is and take the leap into the quiet zone, of course. But the jewels of light to be found there are invaluable
welcome to the rabbit zone
?? ? ? ??
? ?? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ?

dance your life
7-8 October 2017 in Porto, Portugal
when you dance your life, you step into the flow of life and follow its course. You let yourself be guided, inspired and transformed by your dance, gradually it gets easier and more fun and all of a sudden you are fully with it. When it happens you can realise what is your unique way to contribute to the harmony of the world. You love living, harmony makes you happy, are you ready to rock ? We will dance with life : our body-heart-mind-consciousness in unison with our Self and the world
being disconnected from one’s body is a common (and quite severe) condition
in fact, heart and mind cannot find their balance and become one unless they are supported by the body which connects them with breath and senses, the interface with the world
the Self can be experienced by an open heart and a clear mind held in the space of the body

true communication
30 Sept-1 Oct 2017, Leicester, UK
how do you communicate with yourself ?
is your communication true ?
does it support the continuum ?
trees (and the vegetal reign in general) are the guardians of Self on earth
they hold the most ancient wisdom about being and expressing Self
being masters in non violent and effective communication
they also offer innovative models for living and growing together
meeting them in the botanic garden was awe inspiring
they showed us again and again how we can align our beings with Self and live by it

who am I ?
22-24 September 2017, seasons of silence, France autumn equinox
living on Earth is modulated by the movements of stars, explore the playground, ground your life
in a vaster dimension, expand your vision and discover who I am, a new limitless consciousness
Libra, seeking balance and harmony
the solution to a problem cannot be found on the level on which the problem arises Einstein
to resolve the extreme tension between opposites, take it past bearing and let the resulting ascending movement take things a level higher: There antagonist forces will naturally come back together and merge
NB : the solution to a problem is always found on a higher level

beyond peace: how to end violence for good second part
25-26 March and 9-10 September 2017 in London, UK
peace is not enough, it is only the other side of war, a truce in a never ending game. We need more, we need unity and love
the root of violence lies wherever there is separation. Separation means duality, i.e. loss of unity and oneness. Polarisation, division and all forms of violence and abuse result from it.No matter how sophisticated and subtle, the underlying pattern is a fear reaction to a life threat (real or fictive), most of which being unconscious, it is automatically activated each time we are being triggered.
this game will go on as long as we are happy investing in it and playing it. The game is over when we choose to step out and take responsibility for ourselves. This is also how we can resolve any conflict rooted within ourselves
outlines for a new society in a global world
balance = health
inner growth = education
community = politics
exchange = economy

the inner revolution : be the truth !
5-11 August 2017 at seasons of silence, France
3D or 5D ? shadow or light ? choose light and illuminate darkness
new global consciousness begins with you
the next revolution is internal. It takes me out of the illusion of ego (my right, my profit, my good)
and helps me reconnect with and respect the right, the good for the benefit of all. It puts an end to all corruption, abuse, manipulation and enables me to exercise the highest of all powers : the authority over myself. Then I enter the light and become a shining light myself
practically, changing my life means looking after myself (svadharma), rather than after others (paradharma). That’s how things evolve and the world changes!
a mostly silent hugely challenging revolution ! Self-metamorphosis

complicities in the ONE
15-21 July 2017 at la Falaise Verte, France
experience the encounters and the contact between the elements, perceive the affinities between
the parts of One and their consonance, let yourself be taken by the continuous movement of Life and rejoice at every synchronicity. Both familiar and daring, the magic of interactions with all that is, when I AM there
experiencing LOVE
I love
I love you
I love myself
do you feel any difference when saying these sentences one after the other?
if so, acknowledge how thin the veil is, which separates you from unity
then get in touch with your body by putting one hand on any part of it
breathe gently and let your breath move in and out
until the veil gets thinner and disappears eventually

cristalline structure
3-4 June 2017, Vevey, Switzerland
the essence of my earthly equipment (body-heart-mind-consciousness), its infinite versatility, its specificities, the way it interacts withe the environment and the collective experience field
to optimise my potential and to excel at being who I am and at doing do what I do!
from bottomless immensity let emerge who I AM

working miracles
6-7 mai 2017, London, UK
necessary steps towards a miraculous life : full embodiment, expanded consciousness, right focus and and unlimited openness, holding the highest frequency. These are the tools for the creation and manifestation of anything you’d like for yourself and the world. Pure presence is all that is needed
this event was canceled, unfortunately. To my surprise, when I told the participants, there was relief and some lightness. Later on, other movements showed that the rather eruptive/disruptive stuff we (= all the people involved) were (un)consciously dealing with, personally and collectively, needed a much bigger and somewhat different space to fully unfold and be embraced and processed
talking about miracles, when a miracle happens, do we really know how far it reaches ?
when things don’t happen the way we wanted, something else happens instead. Not necessarily because it was meant to be that way, but because any change in a system opens a range of other possibilities. This gives us a chance to choose one or more alternative options. It generally provides a safer ground for personal processing and integration, which supports global shifting and expansion greatly. Moreover, it frees time-space for us to deal with other stuff on other levels or planes or dimensions
what looks like a curse here, may well be a blessing somewhere else
talking about miracles, we have no idea of how many miracles we make every day !
in the end all of us had another experience than the cosmic tuning ceremony we were looking forward to and I believe that this was just what we needed : facing our own reality and dealing with it
talking about miracles, living the life we have is really miraculous !

joyful body, open heart
1-2 April 2017, Porto, Portugal
your body is a marvel of nature! it is perfect exactly as it is : it is alive, therefore sensitive and adaptable, it evolves, transforms and regenerates itself, always seeking the best possible balance. When it is in tune with your Self, with its essential frequency, it resonates with the flow of life and your heart rejoices!
sensation is its language. Movements and rhythms of the breath and the body will show you how to really listen to your body, so your heart can open
what touches the heart of people pulls a string in their heart and allows personal and collective tuning with the Self
by letting contemporary fado songs move our hearts, we invited healing of whole lineages of wounded souls, and the divine masculine and feminine reconnected and reconciled in unity. Beautiful and profoundly moving!
where men and women, families, tribes … are still stuck and denying themselves by abusing each other, vibration and resonance can help them get back in sync

beyond peace : how to end violence for good
25-27 March 2017, London, UK
peace is not enough, it is only the other side of war, a truce in a never ending game. We need more, we need unity and love
the root of violence lies wherever there is separation. Separation means duality, i.e. loss of unity and oneness. Polarisation, division and all forms of violence and abuse result from it.No matter how sophisticated and subtle, the underlying pattern is a fear reaction to a life threat (real or fictive), most of which being unconscious, it is automatically activated each time we are being triggered.
this game will go on as long as we are happy investing in it and playing it. The game is over when we choose to step out and take responsibility for ourselves. This is also how we can resolve any conflict rooted within ourselves
when two human beings connect with each other consciously, a new world pops up out of the blue, which highlights and magnifies all the shared frequencies
the same happens when we connect with an animal, a vegetal or a mineral being. The paths of evolution specific to each realm of life cross-pollinate, enrich and support each other in a wonderfully intricate way

who am I ?
17-19 March 2017, seasons of silence, France spring equinox
living on Earth is modulated by the movements of stars, explore the playground, ground your life
in a vaster dimension, expand your vision and discover who I am, a new limitless consciousness
defuse and eliminate (un)conscious closed patterns which keep us stuck in duality such as
- self-sabotage : I can see them, sense them kick into action, them, but once set off, there’s nothing to stop them
- judging, depreciating myself etc. when I don’t or something doesn’t match the standards I have set : I treat myself all names on committing a mistake ; and moan and groan when something doesn’t work, etc.
these patterns ruin our lives, and worse, they poison the common field of experience we all live in and feed from each time they are activated. Any mismatch between what I say and how I act has infinite ripple effect. This challenge is real
raising our frequency and shifting from 3D to 5D (duality to unity) where there are no such patterns is the way. It requires full presence in the now and impeccable focus

awakening consciousness
11-12 February 2017, Brescia, Italy
in order to become truly who we are, we need to attune our instrument to the frequency of the Self. It takes integrating any destructive emotions we experience. We can handle anger fear, etc. and transform them into a creative power at the service of the Self

living the continuum
4-5 February 2017, Annecy, France
everything is connected, everything constantly interacts with everything
feeling and acknowledging the movements occurring in through my experience, learn to stay in tune with the flow, lightness, joy
as above, so below Hermes Trismegiste
continuum = the cosmic soup
the vibratory field in between all that is
the fertile and nourishing ground supporting all interactions and indefinitely enriched by all connections, by the life force they release and the creative power they hold
when experienced consciously, the encounter between two living beings reveals new spaces and worlds and manifests an infinity of potentials for the beings involved and whoever becomes aware of what issuing played out
when invested and explored, these become part of the common experience field and collective memory

listening to Self
27-29 January 2017, Reims, France
the essence of life is sound, vibration, frequency, rhythm, pulsation
the feeling of life : what touches, moves and makes the heart sing,
instantaneous opening and intimacy with the Self
shraddhā (faith, trust in life, others, self-confidence)
emanates from the Self, from where it constantly surges, superabundantly
it can be felt it where an open heart meets a clear mind in the body
it is also called love, light…

I love myself ! how about you ?
21-22 January 2017, Vevey, Switzerland
drop the masks (I must, I have to…)
dismantle unconscious defence mechanisms, the underlying vicious circles which condition my behaviour
attune my body to Self
an exponential curve
from the outset the bar is set a lot higher and everything is a lot faster
what was fluid and alive two months ago is outdated, it has become stagnant and frozen
lingering on it results in unease, drifting, inertia, frustration, resistance …
raise your frequency