
regular updates on the saga of ascension since the beginning of lockdown in March 2020

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archive below


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1. change

17 March 2020
virus, lockdown, heart healing, ascension
see related post lockdown


3. awaken !

2 April 2020
ascension vs corona, conspiracy, zero point, relax


4. where is your focus ?

8 April 2020
body guidance, mind-heart stillness, choose your camp, creation


5. uncertainty

16 April 2020
unstable environment, grounding and opening, types of reactions to fear, frequency yoyo


6. vulnerabilities

23 April 2020
antagonist forces, surges, ambivalence, wobble, distorsion, resistance


7. essentials

30 April 2020
before the expansion, pure potential, fear again, create the new


8. first impressions

12 May 2020
feel with the heart, what has touched us, positioning, reach for the bliss


9. the pace of things

20 May 2020
evolution of time, experienced space, inner demands, own rhythm


10. hypersensitivity

27 May 2020
hyper = norm, keep the benefit, confusion, choose energy over form


11. keep your balance

2 June 2020
commitment to Self, your highest truth, Internal GPS, surfing the waves



12. a question of frequency

10 June 2020
awareness, under the horizon line, centring in oneself, reactivity


13. what opening ?

15 June 2020
build up, flow, near the surface, pacify the senses


14. mind the gap

23 June 2020
belief system, shock, awareness of reality, level


15. live differently ?!

15 July 2020
self and community, exchanges, new qualities


16. quicksand

26 August 2020
dimensions (3D, 4D, 5D), facing reality, conspiracy of Self, resistance-expansion


17. renewal

15 Septembre 2020
personal and collective responsibility, worlds moving apart, impeccable presence


18. entropy

24 Septembre 2020
chaos, closed vs open systems, relationships, leap into new coherence


19. higher up !

14 October 2020
psychological war, personal discipline, integrity, alliance


20. perfect the skill !

21 October 2020
mental forms, autopilot, preserve the exchanges, ma reality and my creation



21. freedoms

26 October 2020
différents planes, prefer being and living forms, creativity, communication and communion



22. once again

4 November 2020
surrealist atmosphere, energetic mouvements, interactions, change the frequency



23. connectivity

10 November 2020
nervous system, lockdown to communicate better, lift up the network


24. a new flavour

19 November 2020
a quality of softness, opening, relationships, magic


25. I wonder…

23 November 2020
curiosity, capacities, the highest connection


26. which position ?

2 December 2020
psychedelic reality, vibration vs form, ephemeral values



27. abundance

9 December 2020
a quality of relation, of exchange, of experience, total acceptance of who I am


28. apparent contradictions

17 December 2020
solstice’s new frequency, biology of expansion, inter-dimensional (dis)integration