a certain way of being in touch, interacting, exchanging with an environment, a person, a thing, a dream etc.

telepathy takes softness, deep relaxation, cellular stillness
a strong awareness of the (extra)ordinary bandwidth of human sensitivity
which comes with an unfocused drifting mind and an open vibrant heart
tolerating the instability, the wobble and the loss of meaning

it is a leap of faith
into divine guidance and support
which are forever granted, despite our (mostly) intermittent connection with Self/Source

this is the quickest access to the vibration of this environment, person, thing, dream, etc
(more essential than the many forms it can generate) and its resonance in us

easy-peasy !


a glimpse of telepathy, a webinar held on 26-27 September 2020
never lose touch with your network again, no matter what happens
If you still doubt your ability to telepath, this is a one-off chance to activate your capacity and get the knack of it
and if you are already familiar with telepathy, you will be able to perfect and refine your skills in energy work