eclipse season

eclipse season

  with yesterday’s new Moon in Gemini we entered this summer eclipse season, also called a wormhole a wormhole is the time-space stretching from the new Moon (last night) before the first eclipse, until the new Moon after the last one of them, in this case on 9...
emotional patterns

emotional patterns

emotional patterns a experiential weekend to explore our emotional matter, 2-3 June 2018 in Leicester, UK   the word emotion means a movement outwards when we have an emotion we are carried away from ourselves and the completion of it is when we come back to our...
living in hell

living in hell

into deep silence a cosmic tuning ceremony, 19-20 May 2018 in London, UK     living in hell hell is both a place and a state of being where we are cut off from life, neither alive nor dead   disconnecting can happen when we move between planes and dimensions...
celebrate life

celebrate life

26 April-1 May 2018, seasons of silence, France a vast space open to play magic and make conscious connections with the elements, beings and ourselves             an adventure in the woods in Vergnes (time to practice your French!)  ...


    early this morning, in the oblique light of the first sun rays I could feel the peaceful enthusiasm of the particles in the unified field of consciousnsss random-non random mouvements singular and united enthusiasm, literally in presence of God, inspired...