today’s choreography

today’s choreography

it begins with the Moon eclipsing the Sun  at the very end of the limitless space of Pisces then she bows out and enters Aries where the Sun follows her when he steps into Aries is the beginning of spring call it a day ! this stunning performance of both parts of...
sacred geometry

sacred geometry

over the past 3 years our lover bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) have gone through a complete transformation and recalibration orchestrated by the recurring square (or stepping stone) between Uranus and Pluto which happened seven times between 26...
physiology of ascension

physiology of ascension

sanscrit for heart cakra is anahata (=non struck, referring to inner sound, resonance of Self)this cakra (traditionally relating to element air and sense of touch) is the tuning fork of our ascension holding the frequency of Source when we experience life on Earth...
minor adjustments

minor adjustments

small steps that reset you instantly, when you get off balance pick one of more as inspired   centered in your heartaffirm ‘I am the centre of all that is’, ‘I am the Universe’ andfeel its versatile ever-changing density   one hand moving...
instrument upgrade

instrument upgrade

whatever is happening in your life right now no matter how abrupt, confusing, violent, maddening, excruciatingly painful, … or freeing, promising, mind-boggling …is designed specifically (by your Higher Self) to take you exactly where you belongit is your soul’s...